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Azure 資料庫管理員負責實作和管理使用 Microsoft SQL Server 和 Microsoft
Azure 資料服務所建置的雲端原生和混合式資料平台解決方案的可操作層面。
Azure 資料庫管理員會使用各種方法和工具來執行日常操作,包括套用針對系
統管理目的使用 T-SQL 的知識。

本課程介紹在微軟 Azure 上管理關聯式資料庫的相關技術,以及如何整合 Azure
與地端 SQL Server,建構混合雲關聯式資料庫環境,以配合企業在關聯式資料

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有志投身 I.T. 界的人仕
對最新的 Microsoft Azure SQL 技術有興趣



具有 Windows Server 操作經驗
擁有互聯網及 數據庫的基本概念

導師精心編製 Microsoft Certified Azure Database Administrator 課程筆記
Microsoft Certified Azure Database Administrator 電子書課本
課程實習 CD-ROM 一隻
再配合不同層次的 Lab Test 練習
課程由 Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) 親自統籌


我們課程所使用的電腦全部採用 Intel Xeon 3.4Ghz 超高速四核心八線程的伺服器級 CPU 處理器、 配合 32GB DDR4 記憶體、256GB SSD 固態硬碟、2TB SATA3 Hard Disk、19" LCD Display,由開機至 Windows 桌面只需 8 秒,加上每部電腦均連接上 Gigabit Ethernet 高速網絡,在學習過程中保證為您帶來非凡的超高速體驗。





8 堂 x 3 小時 ( Instructor-Led 導師主導課堂 : 理論 + 實戰 ) , 合共 24 小時

開課及上課日期 ( 100% 真人教授 , 1 人1 機 ) :

輕鬆學習 Microsoft Certified Azure Database Administrator 全部內容

MCDBA - 立即報名即可以 優惠價 預留下期學額 !
* 單科 DB-300 Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure 課程

注意 : 本中心於編定課程日程的時候已照顧在職人仕需要 , 於一般 香港公眾假期 ( 紅日 ) 及 節慶日 ( 如 : 冬至 / 除夕 ) 不用上課 .
* 特別列明的課程除外 ( 例如 星期日班 , 聖誔特別班 等等 . )


Payment Method

( 登記成為 金會員 365 特級會員 即可 免費報讀 本課程 , 詳情按此 )

學習 Microsoft Certified Azure Database Administrator 全部內容
HK$ 4,280 ( 正價 )
HK$ 3,780 (
優惠價 - 需於指定日程上課 )

( 通過 WhatsApp 即可查詢優惠詳情 )


請即致電 2380 9888 / WhatsApp 確認優惠 .

* 需於 2024 年 10 月 12 日 (星期六) 或前 #完成報名手續 .
* 每學員優惠使用次數不限 . 優惠不可重疊使用 . 優惠詳情請參閱課程內頁相關說明 .
* 親身報名 , 敬請預先確認學額 , 以便安排 . 所有優惠 . 先報先得 . 額滿即止 .

*** 我們致力提供 最優質 的服務 , 學員親身報名前 , 敬請預先 確認學額 , 以便安排 . ***

星期一 至 星期五 : 13:30 PM - 20:00 PM
星期六 : 10:30 AM - 18:00 PM
星期日 : 10:30 AM - 14:00 PM

其他公眾假期 : 報名處 休息 ( 電話留位 , 全天候如常服務 . 歡迎於上述 辦公時間 致電 / WhatsApp 查詢 )


提示 : 你可在薪俸稅下申請扣除你的個人進修開支 (包括本課程的 課程費用 及 考試費用) .

學員報讀課程時 , 可以 選擇 保留學額 , 並於 12 個月展開 所報讀的 課程組合 , 進修日程更具彈性 !


(DP-300) Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure
試題數量: 50-60 題
考試時間: 120 分鐘
合格分數: 700 / 1000 分




(DP-300) Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure 課程內容 :
Deploy resources by using manual methods

•   deploy database offerings on selected platforms
•   configure customized deployment templates
•   apply patches and updates for hybrid and IaaS deployment

Recommend an appropriate database offering based on specific requirements

•   evaluate requirements for the deployment
•   evaluate the functional benefits/impact of possible database offerings
•   evaluate the scalability of the possible database offering
•   evaluate the HA/DR of the possible database offering
•   evaluate the security aspects of the possible database offering

Configure resources for scale and performance

•   configure Azure SQL Database for scale and performance
•   configure Azure SQL Managed Instance for scale and performance
•   configure SQL Server in Azure VMs for scale and performance
•   calculate resource requirements
•   evaluate database partitioning techniques, such as database sharding
•   set up SQL Data Sync

Evaluate a strategy for moving to Azure

•   evaluate requirements for the migration
•   evaluate offline or online migration strategies
•   evaluate requirements for the upgrade
•   evaluate offline or online upgrade strategies

Implement a migration or upgrade strategy for moving to Azure

•   implement an online migration strategy
•   implement an offline migration strategy
•   implement an online upgrade strategy
•   implement an offline upgrade strategy

Configure database authentication by using platform and database tools

•   configure Azure AD authentication
•   create users from Azure AD identities
•   configure security principals

Configure database authorization by using platform and database tools

•   configure database and object-level permissions using graphical tools
•   apply principle of least privilege for all securables

Implement security for data at rest

•   implement Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
•   implement object-level encryption
•   implement Dynamic Data Masking
•   implement Azure Key Vault and disk encryption for Azure VMs

Implement security for data in transit

•   configure server and database-level firewall rules
•   implement Always Encrypted

Implement compliance controls for sensitive data

•   apply a data classification strategy
•   configure server and database audits
•   implement data change tracking
•   perform a vulnerability assessment

Monitor activity and performance

•   prepare an operational performance baseline
•   determine sources for performance metrics
•   interpret performance metrics
•   configure and monitor activity and performance at the infrastructure, server, service, and database levels

Implement performance-related maintenance tasks

•   implement index maintenance tasks
•   implement statistics maintenance tasks
•   configure database auto-tuning
•   manage storage capacity

Identify performance-related issues

•   configure Query Store to collect performance data
•   identify sessions that cause blocking
•   assess growth/fragmentation of databases and logs
•   assess performance-related database configuration parameters

Configure resources for optimal performance

•   configure storage and infrastructure resources
•   configure server and service account settings for performance
•   configure Resource Governor for performance

Configure a user database for optimal performance

•   implement database-scoped configuration
•   configure compute resources for scaling
•   configure Intelligent Query Processing (IQP)

Review query plans

•   determine the appropriate type of execution plan
•   identify problem areas in execution plans
•   extract query plans from the Query Store

Evaluate performance improvement

•   determine the appropriate Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) to gather query performance information
•   identify performance issues using DMVs
•   identify and implement index changes for queries
•   recommend query construct modifications based on resource usage
•   assess the use of hints for query performance

Review database table and index design

•   identify data quality issues with duplication of data
•   identify normal form of database tables
•   assess index design for performance
•   validate data types defined for columns
•   recommend table and index storage including filegroups
•   evaluate table partitioning strategy
•   evaluate the use of compression for tables and indexes

Create scheduled tasks

•   manage schedules for regular maintenance jobs
•   configure multi-server automation
•   configure notifications for task success/failure/non-completion

Evaluate and implement an alert and notification strategy

•   create event notifications based on metrics
•   create event notifications for Azure resources
•   create alerts for server configuration changes
•   create tasks that respond to event notifications

Manage and automate tasks in Azure

•   perform automated deployment methods for resources
•   implement policies by using automated evaluation modes

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