由於電腦網絡能帶給公司很多益處 (如共用印表機、檔案、資料庫、寬頻上網等,又可設定各式各樣的保安措施),再加上
Internet (互聯網) 及 Cloud (雲端) 的發展蓬勃,故此有很多公司,不論大、中或小型,都紛紛將公司的電腦網絡化,以致
Microsoft 的網絡產品大受歡迎,形成市場對 Microsoft 網絡人材的強大需求,所以他們的市場價值亦相對其他行業為高。 Microsoft 已於 2021年 9月 1日推出了 Windows Server 2022,繼 Windows Server 2016 勢必成為主流伺服器操作系統,並成為 Microsoft 下一個經 Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) 售賣並長期支援的主要版本。而熟識 Windows Server 2022 日常管理及先進技術,更是企業資訊科技解決方案架構師 (Enterprise I.T. Solutions Architect) 不可缺少的必要技能。 |
本課程由經驗豐富的 Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)
親自統籌,提供一系列的專業講解,我們的課程特色是函蓋 Windows Server 2022 新系統,課堂上為您講解 Windows Server
的全新功能及一系列的實習,包括安裝設定、介面管理、功能應用、產品授權、以及建立與管理雲端平台等。課程中我們還提供最新的模擬試題講解和分析,讓你完成課程後有足夠能力通過四科考試,快人一步考取最新的 Microsoft
Certified Windows Server Administrator 專業證書。 |
有志投身 I.T. 界的人士 系統管理員、電腦技術員、網絡管理員 對最新的 Microsoft 產品技術有興趣 修讀條件: 具有 Windows 系統有基本操作經驗 擁有互聯網及網絡的基本概念 對電腦管理及運作有濃厚與趣
課程包括: 導師精心編製
Microsoft Certified Windows Server Administrator 課程筆記
新版本的 Windows Server 2022 帶來了以下重大優勢:
Advanced multi-layer security:
Windows Server 2022 通過 Secured-core 服務器和安全連接,提供了多層安全性。Secured-core
服務器意指由 Microsoft 的硬件合作夥伴提供硬件、固件 (firmware) 和驅動程序,以幫助客戶加強其關鍵系統的安全性。
Hybrid capabilities with Azure:
混合或多雲環境中的客戶,可以通過連接 Azure Arc,使用更新管理、Azure Monitor、安全中心等功能,從而利用本地 Windows
Server 2022 的雲服務!
此外,你還可以利用 Windows Server 2022 的 File Server 增強功能,例如 SMB (Server Message
Block) 壓縮。SMB 壓縮通過在網絡傳輸時壓縮數據來改進檔案傳輸效能。
由 Microsoft 工程人員的實際測試顯示,於 1Gbps 的網絡使用 Windows Server 2022 SMB 壓縮 (右圖)
來傳送大量檔案(約20GB),只需 28 秒,比未升級至 Windows Server 2022 前 (左圖) 所需的 2 分 43
Flexible application platform:
Windows Server 2022 帶來了可擴展性改進,例如支持 48TB 記憶體 (memory) 和 2,048 個邏輯內核
(logical cores),並可在 64 個實體插槽 (physical sockets) 上運行。再者,對 Windows
容器亦帶來了許多附加改進,例如提高 Windows Containers 的應用程序兼容性,包括 HostProcess Containers
配置,支持 IPv6 Dual Stack,並通過 Calico Container Networking 實現一致的 Network
Policy,並為 Azure Stack HCI 上的 Azure Kubernetes 服務 (AKS) 和 Azure Cloud 上的
AKS 帶來新功能。
根據 Microsoft 意見,Enterprise I.T. Solutions Architect 級別的專業人員應該具備實施和管理自設
(On-Premises) 和混合 (Hybrid) 解決方案的專業知識,例如身份、管理、計算、網絡和存儲。
他們還是執行與安全、遷移、監控、高可用性、故障排除和災難恢復相關任務的專家,並需使用管理工具和技術,包括 Windows Admin
Center、PowerShell、Azure Arc、Docker Containers、Kubernetes 和 Windows
Server 2022 Azure Virtual Machines。
上述管理工具和技術還要與 Azure 自動化更新管理、Microsoft Defender for Identity、Azure 安全中心、Azure Migrate 和 Azure Monitor 配合使用。
課程加插一系列 Windows Server 2022 全新技術和實習 !!
全新 Windows Server
2022 將著重於四大領域:
全世界第一個內建混合雲機制作業系統 搭配全新 Web 管理介面 – Windows Admin Center,整合伺服器管理,Cluster 管理,超融合管理,以及與 Azure 進行File Server,備援,IaaS 管理整合。另外全新 System Insights 機制,透過機器學習機制,精準預測 Windows Server 在 CPU、Network、Storage 上未來整體使用量,讓 IT 人員可以提早做伺服器容量規劃。 |
持續強化內建安全機制 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) 加 Exploit Guard 進行主機安全防禦,防止 Ransomware 感染,另一方面,在打造極致的 Hyper-V 安全性上,現在更支援 Linux 受保護 VM (Shield VM)。 |
持續演進的 Windows Server Container 再度縮小 Server Core 與 Nano server size 以加速 Windows Server container 開發,同時支援 Linux Container 原生執行於 Windows Server 上,並更緊密與 Kubernetes 之整合。 |
更加強化之檔案/Cluster 及超融合架構 (HCI) 利用 Windows Admin Center 簡化整體 Cluster & HCI 管理。全新 Storage Migration Service 可以輕鬆把 Windows Server 2003/2008 R2/2012 檔案資料/安全性及設定移轉到 Windows Server 2022。此外,比 Windows Server 2016 大四倍的 data 支援 – 4PB,S2D 現在支援 DeDup,並比 Windows Server 2016 效能最高快上一倍。 |
Microsoft Certified Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate 全科課程
AZ-800 Administering
Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure
AZ-801 Configuring
Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services
20 堂 x 3 小時 ( 理論 + 實戰 ) 及 6 小時 ( 自修研習時段 ) ,
合共 66 小時
請注意 !
Certified Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate 現正接受報名 , 報名從速 !
課堂實況 - 100% 真人教授 , 真正 1 人 1 機 , 學員同步實戰 ! 本中心 Microsoft 課程 , 教材內容均由 Microsoft Certified Trainer 統籌 , ( 保證不會出現 「睇唔明 , 學唔識 , 睇 Video , 無限 LOOP 」 的 荒謬情況 ! ) 提防受騙 ! 我們發現有教育中心 聲稱 能夠為學員提供 1 人 1 機 的學習環境 , |
請注意 ! 單元 AZ-800 及 AZ-801 為 獨立單元 , 修讀次序 並無先後之分 .
學習 Microsoft Certified Windows Server Hybrid Administrator 全部內容
單科 AZ-800
MCSA0205CO - 2025 年 2 月 5 日起計 ( 逢 星期三 ) , 19:00 PM - 22:00 PM ( 共 12 堂 )
* 單科 AZ-800 Administering
Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure 單科課程
( 最後 4 位 , 報名從速 ! )
單科 AZ-801
MCSA0210AD -
2025 年 2 月 10 日起計 ( 逢 星期一 ) , 19:00 PM - 22:00 PM ( 共 8 堂 )
* 單科 AZ-801 Configuring
Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services 單科課程
( 尚餘少量名額 , 報名從速 ! )
學員請留意 : 報名處 不會 接受 現金 / EPS 付款 , 多謝支持 !
( 登記成為 金會員 或 365 特級會員 即可 免費報讀 本課程 , 詳情按此 )
請注意 ! 單元 AZ-800 及 AZ-801 為 獨立單元 , 修讀次序 並無先後之分 .
MCSACO 單科 : AZ-800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure 單科課程
11.11 齊來搶 ! HK$ 1,111即時折扣優惠 ! HK$11 追加 任何第 2 個課程 !
HK$ 4,980 ( 正價 +HK$11 即可帶同 1 位好友 一起參加 相同課堂 )
HK$ 4,980 ( 正價 +HK$11 即追加 任何第 2 個課程 - 適用於所報讀 課程組合 中的 較低價者 . )
HK$ 3,869 ( 11.11 優惠價 )
( 通過 WhatsApp 即可查詢優惠詳情 )
MCSAAD 單科 : AZ-801 Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services 單科課程
11.11 齊來搶 ! HK$ 1,111即時折扣優惠 ! HK$11 追加 任何第 2 個課程 !
HK$ 4,280 ( 正價 +HK$11 即可帶同 1 位好友 一起參加 相同課堂 )
HK$ 4,280 ( 正價 +HK$11 即追加 任何第 2 個課程 - 適用於所報讀 課程組合 中的 較低價者 . )
HK$ 3,169 ( 11.11 優惠價 )
( 通過 WhatsApp 即可查詢優惠詳情 )
請即致電 2380 9888 / WhatsApp 確認優惠 . * 需於 2024 年 11 月 11 日 (星期一) 或前 #完成報名手續 . |
*** 我們致力提供 最優質 的服務 , 學員親身報名前 , 敬請預先 確認學額 , 以便安排 . *** 星期一 至 星期五 : 13:30 PM - 20:00 PM 其他公眾假期 : 報名處 休息 ( 電話留位 , 全天候如常服務 . 歡迎於上述 辦公時間 致電 / WhatsApp 查詢 ) |
提示 : 你可在薪俸稅下申請扣除你的個人進修開支 (包括本課程的 課程費用 及 考試費用) .
學員報讀課程時 , 可以 選擇 保留學額 , 並於 12 個月 內 展開 所報讀的 課程組合 , 進修日程更具彈性 !
試題數量: 44-50 題
考試時間: 120 分鐘
合格分數: 700 / 1000 分
(AZ-801) Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services
試題數量: 44-50 題
考試時間: 120 分鐘
合格分數: 700 / 1000 分
AZ-800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure
Module 1: Deploy and manage AD DS domain controllers
- deploy and manage domain controllers on-premises
- deploy and manage domain controllers in Azure
- deploy Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODCs)
- troubleshoot flexible single master operations (FSMO) roles
Module 2: Configure and manage
multi-site, multi-domain, and multi-forest environments
- configure and manage forest and domain trusts
- configure and manage AD DS sites
- configure and manage AD DS replication
Module 3: Create and manage AD DS
security principals
- create and manage AD DS users and groups
- manage users and groups in multi-domain and multi-forest scenarios
- implement group managed service accounts (gMSAs)
- join Windows Servers to AD DS, Azure AD DS, and Azure AD
Module 4: Implement and manage hybrid
- implement Azure AD Connect
- manage Azure AD Connect Synchronization
- implement Azure AD Connect cloud sync
- integrate Azure AD, AD DS, and Azure AD DS
- manage Azure AD DS
- manage Azure AD Connect Health
- manage authentication in on-premises and hybrid environments
- configure and manage AD DS passwords
Module 5: Manage Windows Server by using
domain-based Group Policies
- implement Group Policy in AD DS
- implement Group Policy Preferences in AD DS
- implement Group Policy in Azure AD DS
Module 6: Manage Windows Servers in a
hybrid environment
- deploy a Windows Admin Center gateway server
- configure a target machine for Windows Admin Center
- configure PowerShell Remoting
- configure CredSSP or Kerberos delegation for second hop remoting
- configure JEA for PowerShell Remoting
Module 7: Manage Windows Servers and
workloads by using Azure services
- manage Windows Servers by using Azure Arc
- assign Azure Policy Guest Configuration
- deploy Azure services using Azure Virtual Machine extensions on non-Azure machines
- manage updates for Windows machines
- integrate Windows Servers with Log Analytics
- integrate Windows Servers with Azure Security Center
- manage IaaS virtual machines (VMs) in Azure that run Windows Server
- implement Azure Automation for hybrid workloads
- create runbooks to automate tasks on target VMs
- implement DSC to prevent configuration drift in IaaS machines
Module 8: Manage Hyper-V and guest
virtual machines
- enable VM enhanced session mode
- manage VM using PowerShell Remoting, PowerShell Direct, and HVC.exe
- configure nested virtualization
- configure VM memory
- configure Integration Services
- configure Discrete Device Assignment
- configure VM Resource Groups
- configure VM CPU Groups
- configure hypervisor scheduling types
- manage VM Checkpoints
- implement high availability for virtual machines
- manage VHD and VHDX files
- configure Hyper-V network adapter
- configure NIC teaming
- configure Hyper-V switch
Module 9: Create and manage containers
- create Windows Server container images
- manage Windows Server container images
- configure Container networking
- manage container instances
Module 10: Manage Azure Virtual Machines
that run Windows Server
- manage data disks
- resize Azure Virtual Machines
- configure continuous delivery for Azure Virtual Machines
- configure connections to VMs
- manage Azure Virtual Machines network configuration
Module 11: Implement on-premises and
hybrid name resolution
- integrate DNS with AD DS
- create and manage zones and records
- configure DNS forwarding/conditional forwarding
- integrate Windows Server DNS with Azure DNS private zones
- implement DNSSEC
Module 12: Manage IP addressing in
on-premises and hybrid scenarios
- implement and manage IPAM
- implement and configure the DHCP server role (on-premises only)
- resolve IP address issues in hybrid environments
- create and manage scopes
- create and manage IP reservations
- implement DHCP high availability
Module 13: Implement on-premises and
hybrid network connectivity
- implement and manage the Remote Access role
- implement and manage Azure Network Adapter
- implement and manage Azure Extended Network
- implement and manage Network Policy Server role
- implement Web Application Proxy
- implement Azure Relay
- implement site-to-site virtual private network (VPN)
- implement Azure Virtual WAN
- implement Azure AD Application Proxy
Module 14: Configure and manage Azure
File Sync
- create Azure File Sync service
- create sync groups
- create cloud endpoints
- register servers
- create server endpoints
- configure cloud tiering
- monitor File Sync
- migrate DFS to Azure File Sync
Module 15: Configure and manage Windows
Server file shares
- configure Windows Server file share access
- configure file screens
- configure File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) quotas
- configure BranchCache
- implement and configure Distributed File System (DFS)
Module 16: Configure Windows Server
- configure disks and volumes
- configure and manage Storage Spaces
- configure and manage Storage Replica
- configure Data Deduplication
- configure SMB direct
- configure Storage Quality of Service (QoS)
- configure file systems
AZ-801 Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services
Module 1: Secure Windows Server operating system
- configure and manage exploit protection
- configure and manage Windows Defender Application Control
- configure and manage Windows Defender for Endpoint
- configure and manage Windows Defender Credential Guard
- configure SmartScreen
- implement operating system security by using Group Policies
Module 2: Secure a hybrid Active
Directory (AD) infrastructure
- configure password policies
- enable password block lists
- manage protected users
- manage account security on a Read-Only Domain Controller (RODC)
- harden domain controllers
- configure authentication policies silos
- restrict access to domain controllers
- configure account security
- manage AD built-in administrative groups
- manage AD delegation
- implement and manage Microsoft Defender for Identity
Module 3: Identify and remediate
Windows Server security issues by using Azure
- monitor on-premises servers and Azure IaaS virtual machines (VMs) by using Azure Sentinel
- identify and remediate security issues on-premises servers and Azure IaaS VMs by using Azure Security Center
Module 4: Secure Windows Server
- manage Windows Defender Firewall
- implement domain isolation
- implement connection security rules
Module 5: Secure Windows Server
- manage Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption (BitLocker)
- manage and recover encrypted volumes
- enable storage encryption by using Azure Disk Encryption
- manage disk encryption keys for IaaS virtual machines
Module 6: Implement a Windows Server
failover cluster
- implement a failover cluster on-premises, hybrid, or cloud-only
- create a Windows failover cluster
- stretch cluster across datacenter or Azure regions
- configure storage for failover clustering
- modify quorum options
- configure network adapters for failover clustering
- configure cluster workload options
- configure cluster sets
- configure Scale-Out File Servers
- create an Azure witness
- configure a floating IP address for the cluster
- implement load balancing for the failover cluster
Module 7: Manage failover clustering
- implement cluster-aware updating
- recover a failed cluster node
- upgrade a node to Windows Server 2022
- failover workloads between nodes
- install Windows updates on cluster nodes
- manage failover clusters using Windows Admin Center
Module 8: Implement and manage
Storage Spaces Direct
- create a failover cluster using Storage Spaces Direct
- upgrade a Storage Spaces Direct node
- implement networking for Storage Spaces Direct
- configure Storage Spaces Direct
Module 9: Manage backup and recovery
for Windows Server
- back up and restore files and folders to Azure Recovery Services vault
- install and manage Azure Backup Server
- back up and recover using Azure Backup Server
- manage backups in Azure Recovery Services vault
- create a backup policy
- configure backup for Azure Virtual Machines using the built-in backup agent
- recover a VM using temporary snapshots
recover VMs to new
Azure Virtual Machines
Module 10: Implement disaster recovery by using Azure Site Recovery
- configure Azure Site Recovery networking
- configure Site Recovery for on-premises VMs
- configure a recovery plan
- configure Site Recovery for Azure Virtual Machines
- implement VM replication to secondary datacenter or Azure region
configure Azure
Site Recovery policies
Module 11: Protect virtual machines by using Hyper-V replicas
- configure Hyper-V hosts for replication
- manage Hyper-V replica servers
- configure VM replication
- perform a failover
Module 12: Migrate on-premises
storage to on-premises servers or Azure
- transfer data and share
- cut over to a new server by using Storage Migration Service
- use Storage Migration Service to migrate to Azure Virtual Machines
migrate to Azure
file shares
Module 13: Migrate on-premises servers to Azure
- deploy and configure Azure Migrate appliance
- migrate VM workloads to Azure IaaS
- migrate physical workloads to Azure IaaS
migrate by using
Azure Migrate
Module 14: Migrate workloads from previous versions to Windows Server 2022
- migrate Internet Information Services (IIS)
- migrate Hyper-V hosts
- migrate Remote Desktop Services (RDS) host servers
- migrate Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
migrate print
Module 15: Migrate workloads to Azure
- migrate IIS workloads to Azure Web Apps
migrate IIS
workloads to containers
Module 16: Migrate workloads to Azure
- migrate AD DS objects, including users, groups and Group Policies, using Active Directory Migration Tool
- migrate to a new Active Directory forest
upgrade an
existing forest
Module 17: Monitor Windows Server by using Windows Server tools and Azure services
- monitor Windows Server by using Performance Monitor
- create and configure Data Collector Sets
- monitor servers and configure alerts by using Windows Admin Center
- monitor by using System Insights
- manage event logs
- deploy Log Analytics agents
- collect performance counters to Azure
- create alerts
- monitor Azure Virtual Machines by using Azure diagnostics extension
monitor Azure
Virtual Machines performance by using VM
Module 18: Troubleshoot Windows Server on-premises and hybrid networking
- troubleshoot hybrid network connectivity
on-premises connectivity
Module 19: Troubleshoot Windows Server virtual machines in Azure
- troubleshoot deployment failures
- troubleshoot booting failure
- troubleshoot VM performance issues
- troubleshoot VM extension issues
- troubleshoot disk encryption issues
- troubleshoot storage
troubleshoot VM
connection issues
Module 20: Troubleshoot Active Directory
- restore objects from AD recycle bin
- recover Active Directory database using Directory Services Restore Mode
- recover SYSVOL
- troubleshoot Active Directory replication
- troubleshoot hybrid authentication issues
- troubleshoot on-premises Active Directory