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雲科動力是一間全力推動資訊科技培訓的電腦教育中心,由 2001 年創立至今已有 23 年歷史,為資訊科技界培育不少人才。我們多年來為各個階層人士提供高質素的電腦培訓,配合完善的教學設備和專業導師,務求令到每一位同學都能利用所學到的電腦知識考取各項專業資格,開拓自己的成功之路。

我們的課程以質素為首要目標,因為我們確信每位前來報讀課程的同學都只有一個目的,就是學習更多新技術,考取更多專業證書,以應付日益萬變的 I.T. 界。所以我們絕不會浪費您的金錢和寶貴時間,更不會辜負您的期望,全力幫助您達到更高的理想。

我們的課程素來獲得同學好評和信賴,全部課程均由擁有多年實戰經驗的專業導師執教 ,課堂上 一人一機理論與實習並重 ,配合模擬考試及 試題分析。幫助您通過考試是我們的 "最終目標"。

Payment Method

舊生或舊生介紹可享高達 85 折優惠
現在舊生或舊生介紹報讀課程可享高達 85 折優惠 .
Cisco CCNA "保證合格"
現在報讀 Cisco CCNA 課程,即包你考試合格保證,讓你考得更加安心。
Cisco CCNP 全科 "保證合格"
現在報讀 Cisco CCNP 課程,即送你全科考試合格保證,讓你考得更加安心。
舊生或舊生介紹可享高達 85 折優惠
現在舊生或舊生介紹報讀課程可享高達 85 折優惠,機會難逢,切勿錯過。(請預早致電留位時登記作實)

URGENT ! CE202501001 Training Assistant / Executive / Coordinator ( Full Time / Part Time )

We are looking for Training Assistant / Executive / Coordinator to play a key role of our training team.

Being the pioneer of similar IT / Education Projects in the region, lots of research, lectures, developments, and coordination are needed. Interested parties who are creative, energetic, and responsible, please do not hesitate to apply.


Provide Administrative Support to Training Team.
Coordinate / Supervise Training Courses ( IT / Non-IT ).
Working Hours :
(Full Time - 5 Days Work) 9:30-18:30 / 13:00-22:00 or
(Part Time) Flexible Working Hours.


Diploma or above is preferable but NOT a must.
Knowledge / Experience in Planning and Training Coordination is preferable but NOT a must..
Experience in Teaching or Training is essential.
General Computer Knowledge.
Proficiency in Math and Spreadsheets.
Good Team Spirit w/ Excellent Communication Skills.
Analytical, Self-Initiative, Good Time Management.
Enthusiastic, Patient, Presentable, Friendly and Outgoing Personality.
Fresh graduate also welcome.


On-The-Job Training .
Full Time (5 Days Work / Week) - Negotiable .
Part Time - HK$ 60+ (Hour Rate) .

How to apply:

Interested parties please submit your CV and Cover Letter with your Expected Salary to recruitment@alphaeducation.com . Personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

CE202501002 Trainer / Instructor ( Full Time / Part Time )

We are looking for Trainer / Instructor to play a key role of our training team.

Being the pioneer of similar IT / Education Projects in the region, lots of research, lectures, developments, and coordination are needed. Interested parties who are creative, energetic, and responsible, please do not hesitate to apply.


Conduct the Training Course in a professional manner. ( IT / Non-IT )
Develop / Update training materials.
Provide Administrative Support to Training Team.
(Full Time) 9:00-18:00 / 13:00-22:00
(Part Time) 19:00-22:00 (Weekday) / 10:30-13:30 (Weekend) / 14:30-17:30 (Weekend)


Valid certificate(s) (e.g. CCNA/CCNP/CISSP/LINUX/MCP/MCSA/MCSE/PMP/etc...) is a MUST.
Certified Trainer / Certified Instructor is preferable but NOT a must.
Diploma or above is preferable but NOT a must.
Experience in Teaching or Training is essential.
Knowledge / Experience in Planning and Training Coordination.
Good Team Spirit w/ Excellent Communication Skills.
Analytical, Self-Initiative, Good Time Management.
Enthusiastic, Patient, Presentable, Friendly and Outgoing Personality.


On-The-Job Training.
FREE access to our Training Courses.
Full Time (5 Days Work / Week) - Negotiable .
Part Time - HK$ 200 to HK$ 500 (Hour Rate).

How to apply:

Interested parties please submit your CV and Cover Letter with your Expected Salary to recruitment@alphaeducation.com . Personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Cloud Education

保證獲得面試機會 ! 大型企業 Data Centre 數據中心的工作機會 !

Being the pioneer of similar IT Projects in the region, we are looking for Candidates to play a key role of our Project Team. 為配合業務發展 , 本集團現誠意招聘下列職位 :

CN202501001 - ( 無需經驗 ! 歡迎職場新人 ! ) Data Centre Administrator (Full Time / Part Time);
CN202501002 - Data Centre Assistant Engineer (Full Time / Part Time);
CN202501003 - Data Centre Engineer (Full Time).


Handle and maintain the network operation to ensure its proper performance, availability and security; including the installation, configuration, administration, upgrading, patching, relocation and troubleshooting of network infrastructure, devices and related systems.
Plan and participate in network infrastructure projects and the deployment of network security solutions; including the collaboration with stakeholders for smooth and timely project delivery.


Self-motivated, well-organized, good interpersonal skills, able to work independently or in a team.
Stay updated with industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in network engineering and security.
Fresh graduate also welcome.


On-The-Job Training (FREE CCNA Training ... etc) .
Full Time (5 Days Work / Week) 9:00-18:00. $ Negotiable (Daily Rate HK$ 800 UP ) .
Part Time (2-3 Days Work / Week) Flexible Working Hours). $ Negotiable (Daily Rate HK$ 800 UP ) .

How to apply:

Please submit your Full Resume and Expected Salary to recruitment@alphaeducation.com .
有意者請將 個人履歷期望薪酬 電郵至 recruitment@alphaeducation.com .

( 文字訊息 )

 電話 : (852) 2380 9888
 傳真 : (852) 2381 8889
 電郵 : info@CloudEducation.com.hk

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